Brazil is one of the most important beef producers in the world. Such a position is the result of decades of improvement in management, genetics, ambience and feeding. Investments in technologies, in addition to increasing production and productivity, also boost the quality of the products offered in the domestic and foreign markets, making them competitive and present in more than 150 countries. The constant evolution of the sector, migrating to increasingly professional activities, must respect the welfare and health of animals and products, requiring quality supplies to maintain the nutritional base. Thus, Mig-PLUS has at your disposal, a complete line of products for beef cattle, combining high technology in formulas and in manufacturing, aiming for the maximum performance of your animals. Provide the best for your livestock, provide Mig-PLUS !!!
Suplemento mineral, proteico e energético de pronto uso para bovinos de corte.
See moreSuplemento mineral proteinado energético para bovinos de corte.
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